August Reading Recs

On family vacations when everyone is outside doing something active -- hiking, walking the beach or even sightseeing -- I can usually be found sitting inside, curled up with a book. This has happened so often that the phrase "...or you can sit inside and read like Emily" has been added to the end of every option list of activities.My view from a recent Christmas vacation.Though I appreciate every book I read, I don't recommend them all. I have been sailing through quite a few books lately and there are a handful that I can't stop talking about and recommending to everyone I know. Here are my current favorite reads:Armada: A Novel: From the author of another favorite of mine, Ready Player One: A Novel, this novel stays in the realm of gaming as simulations for real life when a teenage boy is recruited to fight aliens based on his ability to play video games.China Rich Girlfriend: A Novel: She is not just rich, she is crazy rich. Over-the-top and excessive in every way.The Underwriting: I first heard about this book from a SXSW panel last year. It was originally released as a serial on the writer's website before being published as a full book. As my friend described it, it is "the Wolf of Wall Street meets The Social Network."We Were Liars: Four cousins and best friends spend every summer together. Then one day a tragedy happens and you will spend the rest of the book on the edge of your seat to learn what happened. Be prepared for a few tears.Happy reading!


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